Servicios de Actualidad

Golden VISA or investor visa for non-EU citizens

In accordance with Law 14/2013 of September 27, 2013, to support entrepreneurs and their internationalization, those non-EU citizens who make a significant investment in Spain can benefit from the residence regime for investors by submitting the official application form in person or through a representative.

However, such investment must comply with the minimum amounts required:

  • Investment in financial assets
    • Public debt: 2.000.000 €.
    • Shares or participations in companies with Spanish capital: 1.000.000 €.
    • Investment funds, closed-end investment funds or venture capital funds incorporated in Spain: 1,000,000 €.
    • Bank deposits in Spanish financial institutions: 1.000.000 €.
  • Investment in real estate: 500,000 €.
  • Investment in a business project in Spain: There is no minimum amount, but its impact on the general interest is assessed:
    • Job creation
    • Socioeconomic impact on the geographical area where it will be developed.
    • Relevant contribution to scientific and/or technological innovation

In this regard, it should be noted that applications for residency due to investment in financial assets must be submitted within a period not exceeding one year from the date of the investment. Although there is no time limit for the submission of visas for real estate investment, it must have been carried out after September 2013, when the International Mobility Act came into force.

The place of submission of the application will depend on:

  • If you are outside Spain: a visa will be requested at the General Consulates of Spain.
  • If you are legally in Spain: an authorization will be requested at the Large Companies and Strategic Collectives Unit (UGE-CE).

The documentation to be submitted is as follows:

  • Passport
  • Certificate of criminal record
  • Public or private health insurance with an entity operating in Spain
  • Proof of financial means
  • Proof of the realization of the investment

Once residency has been granted, visas will be valid for 1 year and initial authorizations for 2 years. Renewals, on the other hand, will last 5 years and it will not be necessary to prove effective residence in Spain.

The investor’s family members who may apply, jointly or successively, for the visa or authorization, may be:

  • Spouse or domestic partner
  • Minor or adult children who are financially dependent on the holder
  • Dependent ascendants

Among the main advantages of the Golden Visa are the following:

  • The investor and his family members are not required to live in Spain to maintain and renew the residency.
  • It allows unrestricted employment anywhere in Spain, including family members if they are of the age stipulated in the labor regulations.
  • Family members may reside in Spain without the presence of the principal investor, as there is no minimum period of mandatory residence for the holder.

When the legal requirements to apply for the Golden Visa are not met, it is possible to apply for a non-profit residence permit, proving that they have sufficient financial means to support themselves and that they do not require any additional investment. This permit will have a duration of 1 year and will be renewable for periods of 2 years until reaching 5 years of legal and continuous residence in Spain, at which time it will be possible to opt for a long-term residence.